Al Salam Bank has announced the winners of the grand prizes for the Danat and Thimaar schemes for the year 2022. The prizes were handed out recently at “Al Salam Zone” in the City Center Bahrain, where Mr. Mohammed Abdullah Ibrahim Jameel received the grand prize of the Danat savings account worth 10KG of gold. Additionally, Mr. Khalid Ahmed Abdullah won a BD100,000 quarterly grand cash prize for the Thimaar account.
On this occasion, Mr. Muhammad Buhijji - Head of Retail Banking at Al Salam Bank said: “On behalf of Al Salam Bank, I am pleased to congratulate our clients for winning the grand prizes in Danat Savings scheme and Thimaar scheme for the year 2022, which are both distinguished by offering exceptional prizes. Our valued clients are encouraged to increase the amount and duration of their investments in their Danat saving scheme starting from BD 50 so they can increase their chances of winning that will be announced soon in 2023 prizes. Furthermore, they will be able to earn loyalty points when they deposit amounts into their Al Salam Bank’s Danat accounts. These loyalty points can then be redeemed for a wide range of valuable rewards such as cashback option, airline miles, travel reservations, alongside various other rewards.”